Athletics: Home of the Spartans!
Notre Dame plays in the PIAA District 11 for athletics.

Flexible scheduling of activities and sporting programs allows students to participate in various programs simultaneously.
Athletes can letter in multiple sports. Our teams have won 28 District Championships.
Students are encouraged to participate:
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Boys Cross Country
Girls Cross Country
Boys Soccer
Girls Soccer
Boys Tennis
Girls Tennis
Field Hockey
Co-ed Golf

2014 and 2015 District XI Class A
Boys Cross Country Champions
2014 and 2015 District XI Class A
Girls Cross Country Champions
2015, 2016, 2019, 2023 and 2024
District XI Class A
Boys Basketball Champions
2016 District XI Class A
Girls Soccer Champions
2019 PIAA Class 2A
Boys Golf Champion
Booster Club
The Booster Club is an organization parents and other members of the Notre Dame community that provides support for our athletic program, maintains the concession stands, hosts the annual Golf Tournament, and coordinates the sale of Notre Dame Spirit Wear. Spirit wear is available when the indoor concession is open or by sending an email request to with the subject line Spirit Wear.
Now accepting Venmo @NotreDameHighSchool for concession, golf tournament and spirit wear.

The Booster Club offers sponsorship opportunities on the Notre Dame Athletic fields. Sponsorship signs are approximately 8' x 4' and can be customized with the information you want displayed. If you are interested in sponsorship please contact our Athletic Director, Mr. Roger Barren (